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Borrowed Knowledge

Borrowed Knowledge: A Comprehensive Guide to the 5E DnD Spell


Borrowed Knowledge is a versatile and useful spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. It allows spellcasters to temporarily gain proficiency in a skill they lack, providing a valuable advantage in various situations.



* Verbal (V) * Somatic (S) * Material (M): A book worth at least 25 gp


The spell lasts for 1 minute.


You draw on knowledge from spirits of the past to gain proficiency in one skill you lack. You can only choose skills you do not already have proficiency in.


Borrowed Knowledge offers a wide range of applications:

Exploration and Investigation

* Gaining proficiency in Survival for tracking and navigation * Acquiring knowledge in Arcana for deciphering ancient texts

Social Interactions

* Becoming proficient in Deception or Persuasion for negotiating * Impressing NPCs with knowledge in History or Religion


* Enhancing proficiency in Stealth for ambushes * Gaining expertise in Acrobatics for evading traps


The material component of Borrowed Knowledge is a book worth at least 25 gp. This represents the knowledge you draw upon to gain temporary proficiency.

Similar Spells

* Comprehend Languages allows understanding of written and spoken languages * Identify reveals information about an object or creature


Borrowed Knowledge is a highly versatile and situational spell that can provide a significant advantage in many scenarios. Its flexibility and ease of use make it a valuable addition to any spellcaster's repertoire.
