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A Few Surprising Facts About Easter In Romania

A Few Surprising Facts About Easter in Romania

A Unique Celebration

Easter is the biggest celebration in the Eastern Christian world, and Romania is no exception. With its rich traditions, scrumptious food, and unique customs, Easter in Romania is an unforgettable experience.

Did You Know?

Here are a few surprising facts about Easter in Romania:

  • The Fast: Before Easter, Romanians observe a 40-day fast known as the Great Lent, similar to other Eastern Christian communities.
  • The Red Eggs: Red eggs are a symbol of Easter in Romania. They are believed to bring good luck and prosperity and are often exchanged as gifts.
  • The Water Throwing: On Easter Monday, young men playfully sprinkle girls and women with water, representing the purification ritual of baptism.
  • The Traditional Food: Romanian Easter feasts feature a wide range of traditional dishes, including lamb stew, roasted meats, and special pastries called "cozonaci."
  • The Candles: Easter candles are an important part of the Romanian Easter liturgy. They symbolize the light of Christ and are often kept burning throughout the Easter season.
